Welcome to The Digs, where we're redefining the short-term rental experience and inspiring a new generation of real estate investors!

Nestled on the picturesque coast of North Carolina, we take pride in managing our thriving investment properties.

Krisiann Jackson Krisiann Jackson

Financing Your Airbnb Property: Unlocking the Secrets to a Smart Investment

So, you've set your sights on becoming an Airbnb host, but now you're faced with a burning question: How can you finance your dream property without breaking the bank? We're here to share some insider tips on securing the funds you need to make your Airbnb venture a reality. Get ready to dive into the world of smart financing strategies!

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Krisiann Jackson Krisiann Jackson

How to Choose the Right Short-Term Rental Property

So, you've caught the short-term rental bug, and now you're ready to dive into the exciting world of hosting. Congratulations! But hold on a sec – before you start envisioning a steady stream of guests and extra income, let's talk about the all-important first step: choosing the right short-term rental property.

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Krisiann Jackson Krisiann Jackson

How to Handle Problem Guests at Your Short-Term Rental

Ah, the joys of hosting! As short-term rental hosts, we've all been there – welcoming fantastic guests who treat our spaces like their own slice of paradise. But let's be honest; we've also encountered a few, shall we say, "challenging" characters. We've got your back with some tips on handling those pesky problem guests like a pro.

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