How to Furnish Your Short-Term Rental on a Budget: Hunt for Quality and Uniqueness Without Breaking the Bank!

We know you're on a mission to furnish your new short-term rental without sending your wallet into a tailspin. So, let's get honest about what it takes to purchase what you need for your STR to succeed without breaking the bank – because who said you can't have it all?

1. Quality over Quantity (First impressions matter most)

Sure, you could buy a truckload of cheap, rickety furniture, but that instant gratification will be short-lived once you get a few uses out of it. So, let's prioritize quality, hosts! Opt for sturdy, long-lasting pieces that can handle the wear and tear of hosting many guests. Your guests will thank you, and so will your bank account in the long run. Plus, cheap furnishings give your guests the impression that you don't care about them or their experience. Learning the difference between a great deal and a waste of money will be essential.

2. Dare to be Different (Be a Furniture Maverick)

Do you know what's boring? A cookie-cutter rental with the same old generic furniture you see everywhere. Yawn! Instead, let your inner creativity shine by seeking unique pieces that showcase your personality and your rental location. Hit up local markets, garage sales, and craft fairs for unusual gems that'll make your guests ask themselves, "I wonder what the story is behind this?"

One way to differentiate your rental from all the others is to showcase your personality through artwork. Not the kind of artwork with those special tags hanging from a string or the ones that require you to ask someone of authority for pricing, but the kind you can print yourself. I am talking about digital prints. Thousands of artists use sites like Etsy and Society6 to sell their image files or digital prints in all different sizes and shapes. I often pay more for the frame than I do for the print.

For professional printing, I personally recommend a company called Prints of Love. They offer high-quality prints and amazing customer service. When you use the link below, you'll receive FREE shipping:

Use code "THEDIGS10" at Prints of Love for 10% off your order of $49 or more! 

3. DIY Magic (Embrace Your Inner Handy-Person)

Okay, maybe you don't have any experience in woodworking or an engineering degree, but that doesn't mean you can't learn to be crafty. Scour the internet, especially Instagram and Tik Tok for budget-friendly DIY hacks. The possibilities are endless, from chic repainting jobs to turning a random wooden crate into a trendy nightstand. And hey, no one will likely notice if you mess up a little. There are so many creative DIY ideas and hacks on social media right now, especially the ones thought up by women. You should have no trouble finding the tips you'll need to make that dream of creating a 5-star rental a reality.

4. The Allure of Pre-Loved (They're Not "Used," They're Vintage)

Let's face it – everyone loves a good vintage find. Think about it: you're giving a second life to a beautiful piece that's stood the test of time. That old chest of drawers may have seen a few decades, but it's got character, history, and a story to tell. Your guests will appreciate the charm, and your bank account will nod approvingly. These items help tell a story, and you want the guests to experience your city's appeal through your decor.

5. Minimalism is your friend (and it's Trending)

Who needs an overload of furniture? Just keep it simple. A touch of minimalism can work wonders – it's like a palette cleanser for your space. Besides, finding affordable, stylish pieces is much easier when you're not trying to cram the entire IKEA catalog into one room.

6. Rental-Friendly Deals (The Coupons Are Your BFF)

Don't shy away from the magic of discounts and coupons. Sign up for newsletters(and then immediately unsubscribe), follow your favorite stores(and influencers) on social media, and let those deals come to you. Remember, your mission is to furnish your short-term rental without spending your entire life savings. You want to see a return on your investment quickly. Although many things can factor into the success of that, one thing for sure is that you are equipped with ideas on how to furnish within a realistic budget all while giving your guests an unforgettable experience.

So, fellow hosts, it's time to unleash your inner design guru and deck out your short-term rental like the creative and thoughtful host that you are – all while keeping your finances in check. Remember, quality and uniqueness are your secret weapons; a dash of cheekiness never hurt anyone. 

Are you thinking about renting your property on Airbnb? Receive a $40 credit when you use our referral link below. Sign-up with Airbnb as a Host today and book your first guest to start earning extra income!


How to Handle Problem Guests at Your Short-Term Rental